Gosling plague virus ( GPV) was injected into health rabbits so as to make rabbit anti-GPV hyperimmune sera and to prepare fluorescent antibodies. 将小鹅瘟病毒(GPV)分离毒xw株接种健康兔获得兔抗GPV超免疫血清,由此制备兔抗GPV荧光抗体。
And 7 ( 0.23%) showed titers of 1:20-80 when 3008 sera from non plague areas were tested, and results were negative with 110 dog sera from plague foci. 检测非疫区黄鼠血清3008份,滴度为1:20~80的为7份(0.23%),疫区犬血清110份全部阴性。
Furtheremore this precipitation reaction can be specifically inhibited by positive serum of gosling plague and no cross reaction is observed with common sera of avian disease. 所形成的沉淀反应能够被小鹅瘟阳性血清特异性地抑制,与其它常见的禽病血清不发生交叉反应。